• An Event Based programming language for Runtime Monitoring and Dynamic Instrumentation of Concurrent and Distributed Programs 

      Benavides, Luis Daniel; Durán, David; Pimienta, Camilo; Arboleda, Hugo (Universidad Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio GaravitoUniversidad IcesiBogotá (Colombia), 2016)
      In this paper we introduce EKETAL, an event based programming language for runtime monitoring and dynamic instrumentation of distributed and concurrent applications. We argue that development, maintenance and evolution of ...
    • Herramienta computacional para el diseño de lagunas naturales de estabilización. 

      González Castro, Jorge Luis (Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio GaravitoMaestría en Ingeniería Civil con Énfasis en Ingeniería Ambiental, 2017)
      Se presenta el desarrollo de la herramienta computacional DISLAG para el diseño de lagunas naturales de estabilización, teniendo como base el programa LAG desarrollado en la Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito ...
    • Implementation of causal control operators to detect distributed events 

      Benavides Navarro, Luis Daniel; Kiyoshige Garcés, Oscar; Arboleda, Hugo; Durán, David (Universidad Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio GaravitoUniversidad de los AndesUniversidad IcesiBogotá (Colombia), 2016)
      This paper discusses the design and implementation of three operators to control and predicate about causality relation between events in a distributed system. Concretely, we start from KETAL, a kernel conceived to detect ...
    • A Roadmap to Robot Motion Planning Software Development 

      Pérez Ruiz, Alexander; Rosell, Jan (Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaBarcelona - España, 2009)
      PhD programs and graduate studies in robotics usually include motion planning among its main subjects. Students that focus their research in this subject find themselves trapped in the necessity of programming an environment ...
    • Towards a Smart Farming Platform: From IoT-Based Crop Sensing to Data Analytics 

      Cadavid, Héctor; Garzón, Wilmer; Pérez, Alexánder; López, Germán; Mandivelso, Cristian; Ramírez, Carlos (Springer NatureSuiza, 2018)
      Colombia is a country with a huge agricultural potential, thanks to its size and geography diversity. Unfortunately, it is far from using it efficiently: 65% of its farmland is either unused or underused due to political ...