Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A general deterministic sequence for sampling d-dimensional configuration spaces 

      Rosell, Jan; Roa Garzón, Máximo A.; Pérez Ruiz, Alexander (Springer LinkPaíses Bajos, 2007)
      Previous works have already demonstrated that deterministic sampling can be competitive with respect to probabilistic sampling in sampling-based path planners. Nevertheless, the definition of a general sampling sequence ...
    • A Roadmap to Robot Motion Planning Software Development 

      Pérez Ruiz, Alexander; Rosell, Jan (Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaBarcelona - España, 2009)
      PhD programs and graduate studies in robotics usually include motion planning among its main subjects. Students that focus their research in this subject find themselves trapped in the necessity of programming an environment ...